Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A day with my son

 I miss you so much!
I like to visit with my son whenever I can.

    The U. S. Constitution and Sharia Law

Throughout the history of this world there really have only been two kinds of law. We have given these systems of law very descriptive and easy names to remember. They are Rulers' Law and People's Law. Every legal system can fit under one of these two broad banners. Under Ruler's
Law, the king or dictator makes the law. Under People's Law, the people make or accept the law by which they live. It is interesting that some of the most dominant kinds of legal systems have come about when it is claimed to emanate from God. Under Ruler's Law,
if the ruler can make the people believe he has a divine right to rule, he
can persuade the people to do about anything and the use of force
becomes acceptable to many people if done in the name of God. Under
People's Law, as was the case in Ancient Israel, when the people
accepted Jehovah as their King and accepted His laws as their laws, it
had a powerful persuasiveness to right actions. The major difference was
that there was no use of force.
Not even God would force a leader or laws on a people they did not
willingly accept, because He respects the agency of man. Religion has
been a powerful force throughout history in either types of law.

In following the example of Ancient Israel, America's Founders set forth
laws based on the laws of nature and of nature's God. It has catapulted
the United States to an unmatched position as the most prosperous and
freest nation on earth.